
Serendipity is making fortunate discoveries while searching for other things.  

This allows for the Ebb And Flow Of Life

The ebb and flow of the deep blue sea
is the same as it is for you and me.
Sometimes we're at peace with tranquility.
When life seems to move and lets us be
soothed by the rhythms that keeps us quiet
giving what we need to beautify it.

Sometimes we're turbulent as the stormy sea
wondering how troublesome times can be
upon us so fast, destroying harmony.
And nothing we do keeps us free
as we rock back and forth and to and fro
like strong winds from the north that won't let go.

And finally we learn to accept the change
of the ebb and flow and we rearrange
our thinking and the drift and debris
that comes to us like the sand at the sea.
For this is the natural order of things
that comes to all be they paupers or Kings.

Edwina Reizer

I feel that this is the best way to understand what Ebb & Flow really means in a therapuetic sense of the saying.  

While attending school with the passion to help others heal in every aspect of the word, I found my reason for being!  Upon completely my National Exam for massage therapy, I have worked in many areas of my practice.  I have worked with spas, children, chiropractors and in energy healing.  I have found my passion deepens in therapeutic work!  Therapuetic work means beneficial to the body, soul and mind.  This type of work is not only healing in every sense of the word, but also relaxing!  I love to see people completely benefit from the work that they receive. 

I am adverse in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, sports stretching with regional work and Trigger Point therapy.  I am also a Reiki Master who fully believes in the healing power of energy!

I look forward to hearing from you in regard to the modality that would best suit your needs.